Board of Education Social Studies Standards - Social Studies Practices 2022

Social studies practices are specific skills that students should apply when learning social studies. Like the social studies standards, the social studies practices increase in rigor as students get older. Students should apply these skills to create and address questions that will guide inquiry and critical thinking. These practices should be regularly applied throughout the year and are not written as stand-alone standards. Students will progress through the inquiry cycle by analyzing primary and secondary sources to construct and communicate their conceptual understanding of the content standards (SSP.1-SSP.4) and to develop historical and geographic awareness (SSP.5-SSP.6). 

Demographic Information

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Gather Information

SSP.01.K-2: Gather information from a variety of sources, including: ● Printed materials ● Graphic representations ● Artifacts ● Media and technology sources

SSP.01.3-5: Gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including: ● Printed materials ● Graphic representations ● Artifacts ● Media and technology sources

SSP.01.6-8: Collect data and information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including: ● Printed materials ● Graphic representations ● Artifacts ● Media and technology sources

SSP.01.9-12: Collect data and information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including: ● Printed materials ● Graphic representations ● Field observations/Landscape analysis ● Artifacts ● Media and technology sources

Critically Examine Source Data

SSP.02.K-2: Critically examine a primary or secondary source in order to: ● Summarize significant ideas and relevant information ● Distinguish between fact and opinion ● Draw conclusions ● Recognize author’s purpose and point of view

SSP.02.3-5: Critically examine a primary or secondary source in order to: ● Summarize significant ideas and relevant information ● Distinguish between fact and opinion ● Draw inferences and conclusions ● Recognize author’s purpose, point of view, and reliability

SSP.02.6-8: Critically examine a primary or secondary source in order to: ● Extract and paraphrase significant ideas and relevant information ● Distinguish the difference between fact and opinion ● Draw inferences and conclusions ● Recognize author’s purpose, point of view, and bias ● Assess the strengths and limitations of arguments

SSP.02.9-12: Critically examine a primary or secondary source in order to: ● Extract and paraphrase significant ideas ● Discern differences between evidence and assertion ● Draw inferences and conclusions ● Recognize author’s purpose, point of view, and potential bias ● Assess the strengths and limitations of arguments

Organize Data

SSP.03.K-2: Organize data from a variety of sources in order to: ● Compare and contrast multiple sources ● Recognize differences between multiple accounts ● Frame appropriate questions for further investigation

SSP.03.3-5: Organize data from a variety of sources in order to: ● Compare and contrast multiple sources ● Recognize differences between multiple accounts ● Frame appropriate questions for further investigation

SSP.03.6-8: Synthesize data from multiple sources in order to: ● Recognize differences among multiple accounts ● Establish validity by comparing and contrasting multiple sources ● Frame appropriate questions for further investigation

SSP.03.9-12: Synthesize data from a variety of sources in order to: ● Establish accuracy and validity by comparing sources to each other ● Recognize disparities among multiple accounts ● Frame appropriate questions for further investigation

Communicate Ideas

SSP.04.K-2: Communicate ideas supported by evidence to: ● Demonstrate an understanding of ideas ● Compare and contrast viewpoints ● Predict outcomes ● Illustrate cause and effect

SSP.04.3-5: Construct and communicate arguments supported by evidence to: ● Demonstrate and defend an understanding of ideas ● Compare and contrast viewpoints ● Illustrate cause and effect ● Predict likely outcomes ● Devise new outcomes or solutions

SSP.04.6-8: Construct and communicate arguments by citing supporting evidence to: ● Demonstrate and defend an understanding of ideas ● Compare and contrast viewpoints ● Illustrate cause and effect ● Predict likely outcomes ● Devise new outcomes or solutions

SSP.04.9-12: Construct and communicate arguments by citing supporting evidence to: ● Demonstrate and defend an understanding of ideas ● Compare and contrast viewpoints ● Illustrate cause and effect ● Predict likely outcomes ● Devise new outcomes or solutions

Develop Historical Awareness

SSP.05.K-2: Develop historical awareness by: ● Sequencing past, present, and future in chronological order ● Understanding that things change over time

SSP.05.3-5: Develop historical awareness by: ● Recognizing how and why historical accounts change over time ● Recognizing how past events and issues might have been experienced by the people of that time, with historical context and empathy rather than present-mindedness ● Identifying patterns of continuity and change over time, making connections to the present

SSP.05.6-8: Develop historical awareness by: ● Recognizing how and why historical accounts change over time ● Perceiving and presenting past events and issues as they might have been experienced by the people of the time, with historical empathy rather than present-mindedness ● Evaluating how unique circumstances of time and place create context and contribute to action and reaction ● Identifying patterns of continuity and change over time, making connections to the present

SSP.05.9-12: Develop historical awareness by: ● Recognizing how and why historical accounts change over time ● Perceiving and presenting past events and issues as they might have been experienced by the people of the time, with historical empathy rather than present-mindedness ● Evaluating how unique circumstances of time and place create context and contribute to action and reaction ● Identifying patterns of continuity and change over time, making connections to the present

Develop Geographical Awareness

SSP.06.K-2: Develop geographic awareness by: ● Identifying geographic symbols on maps and globes ● Understanding relationships between people, places, and resources

SSP.06.3-5: Develop geographic awareness by: ● Determining relationships among people, resources, and ideas based on geographic location ● Determining the use of diverse types of maps based on the purpose ● Analyzing the spatial relationships between people, circumstances, and resources ● Analyzing interaction between humans and the physical environment ● Examining how geographic regions and perceptions of the regions change over time

SSP.06.6-8: Develop a geographic awareness by: ● Using the geographic perspective to determine relationships, patterns, and diffusion across space at multiple scales ● Determining the use of diverse types of maps based on their origin, structure, context, and validity ● Analyzing locations, conditions, and connections of places and use maps to investigate spatial relationships ● Analyzing interaction between humans and the physical environment ● Examining how geographic regions and perceptions of regions are fluid across time

SSP.06.9-12: Develop geographic awareness by: ● Analyzing and determining the use of diverse types of maps based on the origin, authority, structure, context, and validity ● Using the geographic perspective to analyze relationships, patterns, and diffusion across space at multiple scales ● Analyzing locations, conditions, and connections of places and using maps to investigate spatial associations among phenomena ● Examining how geographers use regions and how perceptions of regions are fluid across time and space ● Analyzing interaction between humans and the physical environment

Additional Standards